Here they are!
Kind of a reminder of my old Ad&d times...
El Spawn-O!! This is Sebastián Zegers idea!
A fat detective.
A soldier
This one I did inspired by my current partner in crime, Ana Aranda. She is one of the best human beings in the planet.
... And this is very likely to be her pet someday! A rare moustached flying fish.
Megaman really enjoying those energy tanks... they seem addictive...
Some self advice.
The color version of El Spawn-O!
I tried to keep it more about the design than the color, and left the fat detective without shading. I do like it this way.
She looks mean...
My friend with her pet. I'm so not used to these colors, I need to keep practicing with a more cheerful palette. My drawings are getting a bit angry, I could use some good vibes from time to time =)
She also has a website!
She also has a website!
That's it for now! I'm behind schedule with some things I need to address ASAP!!
Have a great one people!