viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012


This was a silly happening that turned into a silly thought... It all started when I was having a shower (I sweat a lot, so you may say that is my civic duty). Well, after using the soap I saw this magnificent cursive capital D made with a hair of some mysterious part of my body, and I was impressed. Handwritten cursive capital D's are already tough to make right with a pencil a paper! And this one was marvelous!!

So of course, I thought of this very hairy and big artist that wrote with hairs of his different body parts. Stupid idea, I know, but I decided to draw that anyway, and here's the result =)

And these below are a couple of sketches before reaching the face I liked. Not too much research, but it was still fun to draw

2 comentarios:

sarah dijo...

this is lovely Daniel, oh and i miss you man

Daniel Walker dijo...

Thank you thank you thank you dear Sarah!! It's been so looong!!! Well, you should be back soon and we can hang out =)

So nice to hear from you!!