domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Old Man with a cigarette

The original pic was taken at the even piers, south from the Embarcadero.

I did this in the toned paper section of my sketchbook, and I used some PS to separate the figure from the background a bit.

That's it for now.


miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Tattooed muscle dude

Don't really know where this character is supposed to be from. From some obscured part of the Polynesia, maybe? I was trying to push some shapes and give them enough shading to convey the different volumes, keeping it sharper in the face and not too much on the rest of the body.

I used a bit of PS to separate it from the background.

Hope you like it!

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012


This was a silly happening that turned into a silly thought... It all started when I was having a shower (I sweat a lot, so you may say that is my civic duty). Well, after using the soap I saw this magnificent cursive capital D made with a hair of some mysterious part of my body, and I was impressed. Handwritten cursive capital D's are already tough to make right with a pencil a paper! And this one was marvelous!!

So of course, I thought of this very hairy and big artist that wrote with hairs of his different body parts. Stupid idea, I know, but I decided to draw that anyway, and here's the result =)

And these below are a couple of sketches before reaching the face I liked. Not too much research, but it was still fun to draw

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

Model sketch

Brush pen, Rapidograph y/and col-erase para el tono morado/for the purple-ish tone

Have a good one!

Vamos a robar canastas!

Brush pen and col-erase sketch of Yogi Bear. 
Hey hey hey!!

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012

Improvised comic

A silly comic I came up with while listening at some loud music, walking around SF. It really turns me off when I'm caught in the groove and I have to pause my tune to pay attention to what some random guy wants to tell me.

After I finished it I found some continuity flaws but blah... Next time it'll be better, and probably with a different style.

See ya soon!

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

Guerrilla sketch

Sketch, molotov cocktails, smoke and torsion.
