miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013


These pics are the roughs and final storyboard pieces of my final thesis project. Is not finished yet, but I like how is going. Hope you guys enjoy!

The rabbit above is a previous design, that I later changed for story purposes.

The octopus right here is not the final design, though the simplicity and expressiveness is quite good, so I think I'll keep that.

This is closer to what'll be the final look of my rabbit... on steroids.

A couple of storyboard thumbnails, stage planning and designs of some guys in the audience.

From here below you'll see the shots of the ongoing storyboard. I'm still changing it (especially the middle, it could use more gags), but I quite like it. Hope you guys enjoy it!

This is it for now. 
Have a good one!


lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

A tan, a bike and a butt

I saw this pic around and wanted to paint it, pushing it a little.

I pushed most everything. Everything, except that Gluteus maximus. I'm pretty sure I got it right.
Summer is great!!


Characters 'n sketchbooks

These are some sketches I've done that I decided to put together.

If you follow this blahg you've probably seen most of them, but there are still some new ones, I think. And if you're new around here, welcome! Hope you like this random bunch of sketches.

Have a good one!


The way of the beard 3: Colors!!

Yeah! The semester is over, I was able to finish on time this little thingy.

Since it was my own project and my own silly characters, I had a great time.
See you soon people!!


viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

The Way of the Beard 2! Inked!

Just finished inking this thing! Took me a while!!

Next step: Color.
