domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

Poster Illustration

So!! It's been a while. I've been waiting to get a green light to post this, and I finally got it.

This is the poster for a short stop-motion film by my friends Anuardi and Madow. They already did one before, and it was very cool.

I loved the concept, so I kinda went overboard with the line drawing. 

I hope you like it, I still have a couple of projects that I to get green lit before posting, but I'll try to upload some other things on the meantime.

Have a good one!


martes, 24 de junio de 2014

200 Post!! Ha!!

So!! It's been veeeery long!! 
I've been working a lot, painting, drawing, sketching in various projects, and I've been wanting to post here many many things. But there was one thing that didn't let me do it... and it is a very silly reason actually, but here it is: This is post 200.

It doesn't sound as an excuse, but in my head I thought I wanted a big post, something with many things to show (to my three followers), so I started piling up drawings and never finding the correct moment between projects to post something... Until now.

So here you go! Sketchbook drawings, posters, illustrations and others. Hope you like them!


So I've been sketching a lot, and I decided to add watercolor to some of my sketches. It is kind of a big deal for me because I've been sort of afraid of color and watercolor because it never does what you want to... but little by little, me and my super cheap watercolor set have been coming to terms and we've fooled around doing little things here and there...

 I also almost never do fanart, but I decided to change that. I mean... if I want to draw a character that I like, why stop? Sure, is the equivalent of making a cover of a song or just imitating someone else's idea, but if you give it a twist it can actually be pretty cool!

So here're some Dragon Ball redesigns
 And here's an angry Mario!

Ink practice

And some other watercolors

These guys here are from the bart and the Caltrain. I actually have a ton of these... I think I should probably make a post specifically about people I sketch in the streets =)

I drew this after watching the first Neverending Story... And now I know why I felt it was so creepy when I saw it as a kid. Not only the scary wolf, the menacing clouds, the faces sharing the same heads and the heartbreaking horse drowning... There was also Falcor winking at Atreyu which REALLY freaked me out.
Well, I think that nobody who watched the movie didn't think of this:

After seeing the amazing Jake Parker and Mike Yamada drawing cute animals driving robots, I kinda wanted to do the same. I was thinking of Gorillaz' Murdoc and FLCL's Haruko at the time, so I added a Bass guitar. I wasn't sure about the composition (I still don't know) so I did a bunch of thumbnails and a robot. Let's see if it works in the future!

And a character lineup, just for kicks, for nothing in particular =)


I sent these two sketches to the AAU Springshow and the second one was selected which made me quite happy! 

I sent over 15 pieces but 4 (well... the 3 pages from the Invincibeard comic and this sketch compilation below, which makes it only two things) got in the show. At first I was a bit "meh"... but after being there and seeing all the work over there, I was blown away and very greatful that I was selected.


This one was for my Goddaughter. She's having a Math Olympics and I made the poster =)
There are two versions, with and without the confetti. I had a bunch of ideas, but in the end I went for the one that the lovely Ana Aranda suggested me. She's awesome.

Here are the steps to get to the final thing.


This one's good! 

I made the artwork for a card game! It's a regular deck of cards and I had to redesign the court, aces, pips, jokers and even the back cards to make them Elemental-like. It took me quite a long time, but I like the results. Here they are!

Back Card



This was a cool project. With a group of friends we redesigned the classic children's book "Color Kittens" to make them a contemporary TV show. I did the character design of the two main guys and some other paintings. Here's the character design sheet:


There's a Kaiju competition going on on Facebook, and this was my "cartoony" entry. I had that dinosaur with a mug lying around in my computer and I finally took advantage of it. I'm working on a more "realistic" one at the moment too.


So, this is it! My 200th post! I will post more often from now on, I swear. Is the main reason why I bought a scanner! Also, I like blogs and feel that they don't get enough love. I'm subscribed to over 400 of them and is a great way of keeping track of what your favourite artists, illustrator, photographers, designers and friends are doing.

Ok, that's it for today! 
Have a great week everyone!!


miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Girl action pose color sketch

It started with me wanting to play and draw something with a different style. Then I felt like painting it flat, without volume... until I kinda thought that volume was needed. After working on it for a bit, applying visible brushstrokes plus some erosion decided to call it a day.

I like it... but still feels as if is lacking something. Is probably something in the design, so I'll put more attention to that in the next experiment :)

Have a great one!

jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

"It worked..." pre-ink and ink

In an attempt to re-vitalize this blog, here you go! A new post!!

I almost did this one in Inktober, but I was getting pummeled under tons of work and just couldn't find the time to properly ink it. I might re-ink this one with more details though, but still like it so here it goes!  

Have a good one!!

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Rocktopus Concepts!

These are some concept pieces I did for my Rocktopus story. They're not in a specific order, because it would still have a bunch of story gaps, so I just rather show you the pretty pictures =)

Have a good one!!